Websites of LCMS Institutions

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod: lcms.org

English District: englishdistrict.org

Concordia Theological Seminary—Fort Wayne: ctsfw.edu

Concordia Seminary—St. Louis: csl.edu

Concordia Publishing House: cph.org


Websites of Local LCMS Congregations & Missions 

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church - Lititz, PA: mclclititz.org

Philadelphia Lutheran Ministries: phillyministries.org

Websites of Local Partner Organizations

Capital Area Pregnancy Centers: capc4u.org

Morning Star Pregnancy Services: morningstarchoices.com

New Hope Ministries: nhm-pa.org

Websites of Other Lutheran Organizations

Book of Concord (Lutheran Statements of Teaching): bookofconcord.org

Higher Things (Youth Fellowship): higherthings.org

Issues, Etc. (Lutheran Talk Radio): issuesetc.org

KFUO-AM (LCMS Radio Station): kfuo.org

Lutherans for Life (Pro-Life Advocacy): lutheransforlife.org 

Lutheran Hour Ministries (Lutheran Evangelism): lhm.org

Lutheran Public Radio (Broadcaster of Sacred Music): lutheranpublicradio.org

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